On This Page:
Choose a Washington Online RN to BSN that works for your budget & calendar! Explore our rankings of the best and cheapest Online RN to BSN programs in Washington State. Use our listings to learn more about curricula & admissions. Apply for Washington-based RN to BSN scholarships. And get answers to FAQs, including details on 100% online options.
Best RN to BSN Online Programs in Washington
1. Washington State University
- Program: Online/Hybrid RN-BSN
- RN to BSN Credits: 30
- Length: 3-4 Semesters
- Accepts Out-of-State RNs: No
- NCLEX Pass Rates: 83.52%
WSU’s flexible Online/Hybrid RN-BSN is a no-brainer for our Best WA rankings! The College of Nursing is an NLN Center of Excellence, a hub for research, and a great place to build career connections. WSU will expect you to attend one on-campus meeting per semester. However, you can choose from five WSU College of Nursing sites (Spokane, the Tri-Cities, Yakima, Vancouver, and Walla Walla). You’ll also complete a population health project and a capstone project. Keep in mind that the BSN can serve as an entry point to a number of graduate programs, including the nationally ranked MSN.
2. University of Washington – Bothell
- Program: Hybrid RN to BSN
- RN to BSN Credits: 45
- Length: 4 Quarters (Full-Time); 8 Quarters (Part-Time)
- Accepts Out-of-State RNs: No
- NCLEX Pass Rates: 78.72%
UW Bothell’s Hybrid RN to BSN is one for locals—the program includes 5 in-person visits and weekly in-person meetings for fieldwork. Fortunately, the degree is offered at Bothell, Shoreline, and Everett locations! It’s a particularly strong pick for nurse activists. The curriculum includes 2 electives (e.g. Global Health) and a dedicated course in Social Justice in Health. The School of Nursing & Health Studies offers a unique MS in Community Health & Social Justice. And the School has a community partner in the Verdant Health Commission. Even better, RN to BSN alumni say that faculty are great and advisors are incredibly helpful.
Cheapest RN to BSN Online Programs in Washington
Calculating the exact price of RN to BSN programs in Washington State is a little tricky! In addition to standard tuition rates, many WA public universities & colleges have per semester/quarter fees and one-off costs. Since these programs are hybrid, you’ll also have to consider commuting expenses and time spent on campus.
Our top picks for the cheapest Washington Online RN to BSN programs appear to be between $9,000-$10,000 (baseline price), but we recommend you ask the RN to BSN program coordinator for a sample budget with all additional fees included. You might also want to take a look at our rankings of the Most Affordable Online RN to BSN Programs in the country.
1. Olympic College
- Program: Hybrid RN to BSN
- RN to BSN Credits: 45
- Affordable Pick for Out-of-State: No
- Cost Info: Tuition & Fees
- NCLEX Pass Rates: 88.52%
Olympic provides a breakdown of sample costs for the 45-credit Hybrid RN to BSN in the Nursing FAQ section. You can double-check these numbers against the Tuition & Fees page—you’ll be paying the upper division tuition rate for Washington residents. Additional fees will apply.
2. Bellevue College
- Program: Hybrid RN to BSN
- RN to BSN Credits: 45-50
- Affordable Pick for Out-of-State: No
- Cost Info: Tuition & Fees
- NCLEX Pass Rates: 85.06%
If you don’t need to take the extra humanities elective, Bellevue’s Hybrid RN to BSN has a similar upper division tuition rate for WA residents as Olympic College. Additional fees will apply.
Fastest Online RN to BSN Programs in Washington
For our Fastest rankings, we looked for Washington schools that offered Online RN to BSN programs that were less than 3 semesters/1 year. We didn’t find any in our search. The standard full-time length was usually 3 semesters or 4 quarters. If speed is truly of the essence, skim through our rankings of the Fastest Online RN to BSN Programs in the nation. There are a number of self-paced and 2-semester/8 month options in that list.
RN to BSN Scholarships in Washington
Statewide Scholarships for Washington RN to BSN Students
Washington Nursing Organization Scholarships
In your quest for state-based scholarships, we recommend you start with large WA nursing organizations. Many awards are open to RN to BSN candidates. Check out:
- Washington State Nurses Foundation (WSNF) Scholarships
- King County Nurses Association (KCNA) Scholarships
- Rainier Olympic Nurses Association Florence Golda Scholarship
You may also be eligible for more specific nursing awards. Examples include:
- Mary Mahoney Professional Nurses Organization Scholarships
- Ebony Nurses Association Tacoma Scholarships
Washington Community Foundation Scholarships
After you’ve filled out the WSNF application form, take a second to find your local community foundation in Washington. Many will offer education scholarships. Although most awards will be aimed at high school graduates, you may be able to find opportunities for adult learners & continuing education.
Washington Healthcare System & University Partnerships
Do you work for a Washington State hospital or healthcare system? Talk to your HR representative about your education plans! You may be eligible for tuition reimbursement, partner tuition discounts, loan forgiveness, easy payment plans, and more.
Some Washington universities even offer specific RN to BSN scholarships to healthcare employees. Examples include:
- Saint Martin University’s Providence Saint Peter Foundation Scholarship for RNs employed at Providence Southwest Region.
- UW Tacoma’s MultiCare Endowed Scholarship for part-time, on-call MultiCare employees, MultiCare volunteers, or family members of MultiCare employees and retirees.
University Scholarships for Washington RN to BSN Students
Big public universities in Washington tend to offer the most internal awards to nursing students (e.g. Bothell Nursing Scholarship for RN to BSN students). But smaller WA public colleges like CBC and Olympic often have cheaper tuition costs. So it’s a balancing act! We’ve also included links to general university scholarships, but check the fine print. Many of these awards will be reserved for “traditional” 4-year undergraduates.
Bellevue College
Columbia Basin College
Olympic College
Saint Martin’s University
University of Washington-Bothell
University of Washington-Tacoma
Washington State University
Wenatchee Valley College
Western Washington University
RN to BSN Requirements in Washington
RN Licensure: Online RN to BSN degrees are classified as “post-licensure” programs. That means Washington universities will expect you to have—or be in the process of earning—an RN license. If you’re waiting to sit the NCLEX exam, you may still be able to apply to certain Washington RN to BSN programs. Some schools offer conditional acceptance, as long as you pass the NCLEX by the end of the second quarter.
The Washington State Board of Nursing (WABON) can answer any questions you may have about state RN licensure. Once you have a shortlist of schools, you might even wish to look up their recent NCLEX Pass Rates. These statistics don’t apply to RN to BSN programs, but they are a useful quality marker.
State Authorization: Do you live outside of Washington State? We want to point out that the vast majority of Washington RN to BSN programs are a) hybrid; and b) limited to applicants with a current Washington RN license.
Washington Online RN to BSN Programs: FAQs
Are 100% Online RN to BSN Programs in Washington Available?
Yes, but they are rare. Almost all of the RN to BSN programs in our Washington listings are hybrid, with required in-person coursework. Big public universities, smaller public colleges, private options like Saint Martin’s—all of these have opted for a blended model.
The Washington branch of Western Governors University (WGU Washington) offers a CCNE-accredited & 100% Online RN to BSN. We talk more about WGU in our profile of Online RN to BSN Programs in Utah.
Why Are There So Many Hybrid RN to BSN Programs in Washington?
We’re not entirely sure. It may be the standard format for Washington public university & college RN to BSN programs. It may have something to do with Nursing Care Quality Assurance Commission (NCQAC) guidelines.
Can I Choose a “No Clinicals” Online RN to BSN in Washington?
Because of accreditation rules, CCNE-accredited and ACEN-accredited RN to BSN programs always include practicums. But these experiences won’t be like bedside clinicals at the associate degree or diploma level. Instead, they’ll often focus on community & population health fieldwork and leadership training. Here are just a few examples of what you can expect from BSN-level clinicals in Washington:
- WSU’s Online/Hybrid RN-BSN includes a community/population health project and an independent capstone.
- UW Bothell’s Hybrid RN to BSN features a Population-Based Health in Community Practice course that includes practicum hours spent largely engaged directly in the work of community health agencies.
- UW Tacoma’s Hybrid RN to BSN contains a Health, Communities, and Populations practicum where student groups connect with stakeholders in the community to address a specific concern.
Do I Need Statistics To Apply for Washington Online RN to BSN Programs?
Maybe. Statistics is a standard prerequisite for Washington RN to BSN programs. We saw it listed in admissions requirements for all kinds of schools. But we recommend you check with the RN to BSN program coordinator about timing. Some schools will allow you to take statistics as a “co-requisite.” For instance, in WVC’s Hybrid RN to BSN, you’re allowed to finish statistics, chemistry, and humanities credits concurrently.
Are There Any Online RN to BSN to MSN Programs in Washington?
Not that we could find! Gonzaga’s Online RN to MSN plan of study does not include a BSN as part of the program. If you’re interested in graduate work, but you need a BSN for employment purposes, have a look at the online options in our guide to RN to BSN to MSN Programs.
Washington RN to BSN Online Schools

Bellevue College
School of Nursing
Bellevue, Washington
Offered Online
Columbia Basin College
Nursing Department
Pasco, Washington
Offered Online
Northwest University
College of Nursing
Kirkland, Washington
Offered Online
Olympic College
Nursing Programs
Bremerton, Washington
Offered Online
Saint Martin's University
Nursing Program
Lacey, Washington
Offered Online
University of Washington-Bothell Campus
School of Nursing and Health Studies
Bothell, Washington
Offered Online
University of Washington-Tacoma Campus
School of Nursing and Healthcare Leadership
Tacoma, Washington
Rn to BSN
Offered Online
Washington State University
College of Nursing
Pullman, Washington
Offered Online
Wenatchee Valley College
Department of Health & Human Services
Wenatchee, Washington
Offered Online
Western Washington University
Woodring College of Education
Bellingham, Washington
Offered Online