On This Page:
Choose an accredited Oregon Online RN to BSN program that works for you! Use our state listings to explore public & private options. Learn more about the best Online RN to BSN programs in Oregon. Reduce your costs with Oregon RN to BSN scholarships and hospital partnerships. And find answers to FAQs, including details on Online RN to BSN to MSN pathways.
Best RN to BSN Online Programs in Oregon
1. Oregon Health & Sciences University
- Program: Online RN to BS
- RN to BSN Credits: 33-39
- Length: 3 Terms (Full-Time); 4-7 Terms (Part-Time)
- Accepts Out-of-State RNs: Yes
- NCLEX Pass Rates: 95.88%
OHSU’s 100% Online RN to BS is #1 for a myriad of reasons. The highly regarded School of Nursing has come up with a clinically-focused degree that puts an emphasis on fieldwork. The RN to BS curriculum includes coursework in Population Health Practice and an independent & integrative practicum in your local community. Graduates of OCNE Partner Schools can apply for a streamlined 33-credit plan of study; non-OCNE students can take part in the traditional 39-credit program. Both pathways offer RN to BSN graduates a guaranteed transition into OHSU’s Online Master’s in Nursing Education (MNE) through dual enrollment. And nursing scholarships are available!
Cheapest RN to BSN Online Programs in Oregon
Oregon is an expensive state for Online RN to BSN students. Even OHSU’s program is still going to exceed $10,000 in total tuition. Check the section on Oregon RN to BSN Scholarships for ways to reduce your cost; consider programs in neighboring states (e.g. e.g. Washington); and explore our rankings of the Most Affordable Online RN to BSN Programs in the country before you make a decision.
Fastest Online RN to BSN Programs in Oregon
To be considered speedy, Online RN to BSN programs in our Fastest rankings have to be less than 3 semesters/1 year on a full-time schedule. We didn’t find any Oregon programs that met these demands. If you really need your BSN in a hurry, check out the self-paced and 2-semester options in our rankings of the Fastest Online RN to BSN Programs in the country.
RN to BSN Scholarships in Oregon
Statewide Scholarships for Oregon RN to BSN Students
Oregon Nursing Organization Scholarships
Start by applying for Oregon Nurses Foundation (ONF) Scholarships. Awards like the Smith Education Scholarship are open to RN-BSN students.
Oregon Healthcare System & University Partnerships
Do you work for an Oregon hospital or healthcare system? Talk to your HR representative about your education plans. As an employee, you may able to take advantage of all kinds of benefits, including discounts, tuition reimbursement, loan forgiveness programs, and more. For example, Linfield University has special partnerships with community colleges & hospitals.
Oregon Hospital Scholarships
As an RN, you may also qualify for scholarships from Oregon hospitals and healthcare foundations! Some of these awards will be intended for employees; some will be open to local residents. Examples include:
- Legacy Health Scholarships & Education Assistance
- Salem Health Scholarships
- St. Charles Foundation Scholarships
- Samaritan Health Scholarships
Oregon Community Foundation Scholarships
Be sure to find your local Community Foundation in OR and ask them about scholarship opportunities for continuing learners. Although most foundation awards will be reserved for recent high school graduates, there are exceptions. For example, Blue Mountain Community Foundation (BMCF) Scholarship Funds include a Walla Walla AAUW scholarship for women returning to college or university after an interruption in their education.
University Scholarships for Oregon RN to BSN Students
Institutional aid in Oregon varies by school. Private universities like Linfield have unique RN to BSN scholarships and partnerships. OHSU’s School of Nursing has its own awards. Take advantage of everything—tuition prices in Oregon aren’t cheap.
Bushnell University
Linfield University
- Paquet Scholarship
- Partnerships with Community Colleges & Hospitals
- Linfield Financial Aid for Nursing Students
Oregon Health & Sciences University
RN to BSN Requirements in Oregon
RN Licensure: Online RN to BSN degrees are classified as “post-licensure” programs. That means Oregon universities will expect you to have—or be in the process of earning—an RN license. For instance, all students in OHSU’s Online RN to BS must have an RN license by the end of the first term.
- If you need any help with state RN licensure, the Oregon State Board of Nursing (OSBN) is your first port of call.
- The Board also posts recent NCLEX Pass Rates for Oregon programs. Although pass rates don’t apply to post-licensure programs, we always like to use them as a general quality marker.
State Authorization: Do you live outside of Oregon? It looks like most Oregon Online RN to BSN programs are happy to accept RNs from any state, but it never hurts to double-check. State authorization rules can occasionally get in the way.
Oregon Online RN to BSN Programs: FAQs
Are 100% Online RN to BSN Programs in Oregon Available?
Absolutely. Oregon schools in our state listings have designed their Online RN to BSN programs to be 100% online, with no campus requirements. Just keep in mind that you will still be expected to complete BSN-level practicums in your local community and/or place of employment.
Can I Choose a “No Clinicals” Online RN to BSN in Oregon?
CCNE-accredited and ACEN-accredited programs will always contain on-the-ground fieldwork experiences and practicums. But these won’t be like clinicals in your associate degree or diploma. Instead, they’ll usually be focused on community health & leadership. For example:
- OHSU’s 100% Online RN to BS contains clinicals that can be completed at sites within your home community.
- Bushnell’s 100% Online RN to BSN includes project-based practice experiences that can be tackled in your local community.
- Linfield University’s 100% Online RN to BSN will allow you to earn clinical hours through a service-learning experience that can take place in a location of your choosing (locally, nationally, or internationally).
Do I Need Statistics to Apply for Oregon Online RN to BSN Programs?
Maybe. Statistics is going to be a prerequisite or co-requisite for OHSU and Linfield, but we only saw a college-level mathematics course (MATH 105 or above) listed for Bushnell. Check with the RN to BSN program coordinator to be sure.
If you’re interested in a Christian university like Bushnell, keep in mind that you will also have religious prerequisites (e.g. 8 hours of biblical studies).
Are There Any Online RN to BSN to MSN Programs in Oregon?
Yes! If you’re interested in speeding up the process of earning a BSN and an MSN, OHSU’s Online RN to BS to Master’s is available in Nursing Education. Completion of both the BSN and MNE takes 10 terms.
Oregon RN to BSN Online Schools

Bushnell University
Adult Degree Programs
Eugene, Oregon
Offered Online
George Fox University
School of Nursing
Newberg, Oregon
Offered Online
Linfield University
The Linfield-Good Samaritan School of Nursing
McMinnville, Oregon
Offered Online
Oregon Health & Science University
School of Nursing
Portland, Oregon
RNBS Completion
Offered Online