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Choose an accredited North Dakota Online RN to BSN that meets your career goals! Use our state listings to explore public & private options. Learn about the best, cheapest, and fastest Online RN to BSN programs in North Dakota. Apply for all kinds of North Dakota RN to BSN scholarships. And find answers to FAQs, including details on 100% online programs.
Best RN to BSN Online Programs in North Dakota
1. University of North Dakota
- Program: Online RN to BSN
- RN to BSN Credits: 30
- Length: 3 Semesters (Full-Time); 6 Semesters (Part-Time)
- Accepts Out-of-State RNs: Yes
- NCLEX Pass Rates: 86.55%
It was a tight race for the #1 Best spot in North Dakota, but UND’s 100% Online RN to BSN took the prize! It’s the most expensive option in our top 3, but it’s also backed by a Department of Nursing with a great track record. NP/CRNA certification pass rates tend to be excellent. The Department offers a special RN to BSN Scholarship and other Department of Nursing Scholarships. And it runs a Recruitment & Retention of American Indians into Nursing (RAIN) program that provides academic support and financial assistance to American Indian students seeking a nursing degree (e.g. RN to BSN). UND might be a good pick if you’re interested in leadership—a number of courses address the big picture (e.g. Health Care Infrastructure).
2. North Dakota State University
- Program: Online RN to BSN
- RN to BSN Credits: 33
- Length: 5 Semesters (Part-Time)
- Accepts Out-of-State RNs: Yes
- NCLEX Pass Rates: 90.10%
NDSU’s 100% Online RN to BSN is our top choice for full-time RNs who crave support. The program is run on a 5-semester schedule—you’ll only take one 8-week course at a time. You’ll also have the chance to build career connections during 4 real-time virtual immersions/workshops. Like UND and UMary, NDSU’s School of Nursing has a sturdy reputation in the state. It maintains a close relationship with Sanford Health. It runs an Advanced Nursing Education Nurse Practitioner Residency Fellowship Program. And it offers all kinds of tuition breaks to students in neighboring states. College of Health Professions (CHP) Scholarships even include awards for RN to BSN students!
3. University of Mary
- Program: Online RN to BSN
- RN to BSN Credits: 30
- Length: 3 Semesters (Full-Time); 4+ Semesters (Part-Time)
- Accepts Out-of-State RNs: Yes
- NCLEX Pass Rates: 93.94%
UMary is a private Catholic university with a reputation for quality. Nursing programs in the Saint Gianna School of Health Sciences receive glowing independent reviews for their personal feel, engaging coursework & small class sizes. The School also has close ties to CHI St. Alexius-Health and a history of strong NCLEX & FNP pass rates. Thanks to UMary’s Benedictine outlook, the 100% Online RN to BSN has an “interconnected” feel—courses include topics such as Community as Partner, Global Issues in Nursing, and Health Promotion for the Older Adult. If you’re interested in graduate work, you might also want to check out all of UMary’s Online MSN & BSN to DNP options.
Cheapest RN to BSN Online Programs in North Dakota
North Dakota is not a cheap state for Online RN to BSN students. When you start factoring in mandatory fees, only one program was less than $10,000 in total tuition. To take the sting out of your tuition bill, you might wish to have a look at our rankings of the Most Affordable Online RN to BSN Programs in the country.
1. Minot State University
- Program: Online RN to BSN
- RN to BSN Credits: 30
- Affordable Pick for Out-of-State: Yes
- Cost Info: Tuition & Fees
- NCLEX Pass Rates: 88.10%
Tuition for Minot State’s 100% Online RN to BSN is the same for in-state and out-of-state residents. The per credit rate—including all mandatory fees—is the cheapest in North Dakota, but keep in mind that you will also have to pay additional fees for a few nursing program courses. See the FAQ section for details.
Fastest Online RN to BSN Programs in North Dakota
To qualify for our Cheapest rankings, North Dakota Online RN to BSN programs had to be less than 3 semesters/1 year in length. One program made the grade—you’ll also see it appear in our rankings of the Fastest Online RN to BSN Programs in the country (organized by speed & price).
1. Minot State University
- Program: Online RN to BSN
- RN to BSN Credits: 30
- Length: 2 Semesters (Full-Time); 3-4 Semesters (Part-Time)
- Accepts Out-of-State RNs: Yes
- NCLEX Pass Rates: 88.10%
On a full-time schedule, you can complete Minot State’s 100% Online RN to BSN in as few as 2 semesters. 30 credits must be completed at the university (e.g. 23 credits of nursing & special topics courses and 7 credits of electives, General Education courses, or Statistics).
RN to BSN Scholarships in North Dakota
Statewide Scholarships for North Dakota RN to BSN Students
North Dakota Nursing Organization Scholarships
In your quest for statewide RN to BSN funding, start with North Dakota nursing & healthcare associations. Examples include:
You may also wish to investigate the North Dakota Board of Nursing (ND BON) Nursing Education Loan. It’s available to students in associate, bachelor’s and master’s degree programs in nursing. The loan can be paid back by working as a nurse in ND—the repayment rate is $1 per hour of employment.
North Dakota Healthcare System & University Partnerships
Do you work for a North Dakota hospital or healthcare system? Before you apply for an Online RN to BSN, talk to your HR representative about your education plans. As an employee, you may be eligible for benefits such as tuition reimbursement, forgivable loans, tuition discounts, and more.
North Dakota Hospital Scholarships
North Dakota hospitals and health foundations also offer their own special scholarships. Some awards will be aimed at employees; some will be open to residents in the hospital area (e.g. Turtle Lake).
- Sanford Health Scholarships
- Blue Cross Blue Shield of North Dakota Caring Foundation Health Profession Scholarships
- Trinity Health Foundation Scholarships
North Dakota Community Foundation Scholarships
Take a moment to find your local Community Foundation in ND and ask them about scholarship opportunities. Although most foundation awards are reserved for recent high school graduates, there are opportunities for college students (e.g. North Dakota Community Foundation (NDCF) Scholarships).
We should also mention that American Legion Auxiliary Department of North Dakota (ND ALA) Scholarships include awards for nursing students.
University Scholarships for North Dakota RN to BSN Students
Big public schools in North Dakota (e.g. UND and NDSU) usually offer the most aid to nursing students. However, these options can be pricier than UMary and state universities. So it’s a balancing act! When you’re exploring university-wide scholarships, keep in mind that awards may be limited to “traditional” 4-year undergraduates.
Mayville State University
Minot State University
North Dakota State University
University of Mary
University of North Dakota
RN to BSN Requirements in North Dakota
RN Licensure: Online RN to BSN degrees are classified as “post-licensure” programs. North Dakota universities will expect you to have—or be in the process of earning—an RN license. If you haven’t got your license yet, you have some leeway. For example, Mayville State will grant conditional acceptance to Online RN to BSN applicants who are scheduled for (or awaiting results of) the NCLEX-RN exam.
- The North Dakota Board of Nursing (ND BON) can answer any questions you may have about state RN licensure.
- ND BON also produces a helpful Education Annual Report. It contains statistics on NCLEX pass rates for ND nursing programs, graduation data, faculty data, and a list of each school’s clinical practice sites!
State Authorization: Do you live outside of North Dakota? ND Online RN to BSN programs seem happy to admit out-of-state RNs, but it never hurts to check with the program coordinator. For instance, UND states that its Online RN to BSN may not be able to accommodate public health clinical experiences in some states due to specific state board of nursing regulations.
North Dakota Online RN to BSN Programs: FAQs
Are 100% Online RN to BSN Programs Available in North Dakota?
Absolutely. Online RN to BSN programs in our ND listings are deliberately designed to be 100% online, with no campus visits required.
- You’ll still be responsible for completing BSN-level practicums in your local community and/or place of employment.
- In some programs, you may also be taking part in real-time, synchronous classes or virtual immersions. They will be online, but they will also be live.
Can I Choose a “No Clinicals” Online RN to BSN in North Dakota?
ACNE and CCNE rules are pretty strict on this point—accredited BSN-level programs must contain on-the-ground practicums. Fortunately, RN to BSN clinicals are usually structured as fieldwork experiences in areas like community health & leadership. For example:
- Minot State’s 100% Online RN to BSN contains one designated clinical course—Public Health for the Professional Nurse—that offers indirect and direct clinical experiences in your local community.
- NDSU’s 100% Online RN to BSN includes clinical practicums in Leadership and Population Focused Nursing Care.
- UND’s 100% Online RN to BSN has a Public Health Nursing Clinical course that combines theory and actual practice in a public health setting.
In 100% online programs, you’ll be able to tackle these practicums in your home area.
Do I Need Statistics to Apply for North Dakota Online RN to BSN Programs?
Not necessarily. When we went digging into curriculum & admissions requirements, we found that each North Dakota school has its own rules. For instance:
- If you have an AA or AS degree and have passed the NCLEX exam, you will not be required to take a chemistry or math course for NDSU’s 100% Online RN to BSN. However, if your long range plans include applying to graduate school, it is recommended that you enroll in a statistics course.
- In Mayville State’s 100% Online RN to BSN, statistics is included as part of the RN to BSN curriculum.
- For UMary’s 100% Online RN to BSN, applicants must have completed a course in college algebra or statistics, as well as prerequisites in theology and ethics.
- UND’s 100% Online RN to BSN and Minot State’s 100% Online RN to BSN will allow you to take statistics as a “co-requisite” during the first part of the program.
Are There Any Online RN to BSN to MSN Programs in North Dakota?
We had trouble finding them. UMary’s Online ADN to MSN in Nursing Leadership & Management is available, but it doesn’t appear to include a BSN. If you need a bachelor’s degree for employment purposes, have a look at the online offerings in our listings of RN to BSN to MSN Programs.
North Dakota RN to BSN Online Schools

Mayville State University
School of Nursing
Mayville, North Dakota
Offered Online
Minot State University
Department of Nursing
Minot, North Dakota
Offered Online
North Dakota State University-Main Campus
School of Nursing
Fargo, North Dakota
Offered Online
University of Mary
Department of Nursing
Bismarck, North Dakota
Offered Online
University of North Dakota
College of Nursing & Professional Disciplines
Grand Forks, North Dakota
Offered Online