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Choose a North Carolina Online RN to BSN that suits your needs! Explore our rankings of the best, cheapest, and fastest Online RN to BSN programs in North Carolina. Use our state listings to find links to curricula & admissions requirements. Apply for North Carolina RN to BSN scholarships and tuition waivers. And get answers to FAQs, including details on 100% online formats.
Best RN to BSN Online Programs in North Carolina
1. University of North Carolina at Wilmington
- Program: Online RN to BSN
- RN to BSN Credits: 30-32*
- Length: 3 Semesters (Full-Time); 4+ Semesters (Part-Time)
- Accepts Out-of-State RNs: Yes
- NCLEX Pass Rates: 83.33%
You can’t beat UNCW’s 100% Online RN to BSN for quality! The School of Nursing is an NLN Center of Excellence with close connections to a variety of rural communities in North Carolina. Plus it offers nursing scholarships and UNC Tuition Waivers to UNC Health Care employees. And even though NCLEX pass rates were not strong in 2022, they have hovered between 90% and 96% in previous years. Recent RN to BSN alumni say the curriculum is relevant, fluff-free, and packed with engaging projects. For more on the program’s convenient start dates and scheduling options, view the RN to BSN FAQs.
* Note: A minimum of 30 credits must be completed at UNCW. We’ve added an extra 3-credit course to the 29-credit RN to BSN curriculum to bring the total up to 32.
2. Western Carolina University
- Program: Online RN to BSN
- RN to BSN Credits: 30
- Length: 4 Semesters
- Accepts Out-of-State RNs: Yes
- NCLEX Pass Rates: 97.87%
Our #2 spot goes to WCU’s ridiculously affordable Online RN to BSN—it’s the cheapest program in the state for North Carolina RNs. You can customize your plan of study with 6 credits of electives. All core faculty for the program have earned nursing doctorates. And Program Information Sessions are offered via Zoom each month. If you’re thinking of graduate work at some point in your career, the School of Nursing offers a wide range of options, including online degrees in Nurse Educator and Nurse Leadership. We should also mention that CRNA and FNP certification pass rates are superb!
3. Appalachian State University
- Program: Online RN to BSN
- RN to BSN Credits: 30
- Length: 3 Semesters (Full-Time); 6-8 Semesters (Part-Time)
- Accepts Out-of-State RNs: Compact State
- NCLEX Pass Rates: 97.22%
Choose App State’s Online RN to BSN and you’ll be opting for a budget-friendly & flexible program with a host of hidden benefits. Residents of certain Western North Carolina counties and the Qualla Boundary are eligible for a special scholarship from the Dogwood Health Trust. Wilkes Community College students can apply for the convenient 3+1 Pathway. And all RN to BSN students are able to take a dedicated course in Nursing Care of Older Adults. Better yet, the Department of Nursing has low debt rates, excellent NCLEX pass rates, and a strong regional track record.
4. University of North Carolina at Charlotte
- Program: Online RN to BSN Completion Program
- RN to BSN Credits: 31
- Length: 3 Semesters
- Accepts Out-of-State RNs: Yes
- NCLEX Pass Rates: 88.17%
UNCC’s 100% Online RN to BSN Completion Program has plenty to brag about. The School of Nursing has a solid local reputation and useful connections. Permanent, full-time UNC Health Care employees can apply for UNC Tuition Waivers. You can begin the Online RN to BSN in spring, summer, or fall, and there are no required visits to campus. If you’re interested in further education, check out UNCC’s range of graduate programs. Certification pass rates for the MSN programs in FNP and AGACNP disciplines are excellent.
Cheapest RN to BSN Online Programs in North Carolina
If you’re lucky enough to reside in North Carolina, you’re living in one of the cheapest states in the U.S. for Online RN to BSN students! Truly—these are some of the best in-state tuition rates we’ve seen. For our Cheapest rankings, we decided to feature any North Carolina program that was under $5,000 for NC residents. However, you’ll discover tons of other NC universities in our list of the Most Affordable Online RN to BSN Programs in the country, including those that feature in our Best rankings!
1. Western Carolina University
- Program: Online RN to BSN
- RN to BSN Credits: 30
- Affordable Pick for Out-of-State: Yes
- Cost Info: Tuition & Fees
- NCLEX Pass Rates: 97.87%
WCU’s Online RN to BSN hits our #1 spot thanks to the NC Promise Tuition Plan. This plan reduces student costs at four UNC campuses: Western Carolina University, the University of North Carolina at Pembroke, Elizabeth City State University, and Fayetteville State University. In-state tuition rates are excellent and required per credit fees are minimal. Even the out-of-state price is spectacular! WCU’s estimate for the entire Online RN to BSN includes one-off costs (e.g. graduation fee) and books & supplies. Have a look at the helpful Program Costs and tuition & fees sections for more info.
2. Fayetteville State University
- Program: Online RN to BSN
- RN to BSN Credits: 32
- Affordable Pick for Out-of-State: Yes
- Cost Info: Tuition & Fees
- NCLEX Pass Rates: 77.65%
Thanks to the NC Promise Tuition Plan, students in FSU’s Online RN to BSN can take advantage of great Per credit hour Undergraduate Distance rates. To come up with our price estimate, we used a full-time plan of study—12 credits in first semester, 12 credits in the second semester, and 8 credits to finish. We’ve also included the mandatory, per course Proctor Fee. Keep in mind that there may be additional one-off and per semester costs (e.g. course fees).
3. Winston-Salem State University
- Program: Online RN to BSN
- RN to BSN Credits:
- Affordable Pick for Out-of-State: No
- Cost Info:
- NCLEX Pass Rates: 85.71%
WSSU’s Online RN to BSN is highly affordable pick for locals—the program is only open to North Carolina RNs. For our calculations, we used the full-time Distance Learning tuition rate (3 semesters of work). In addition to tuition, online students pay for mandatory educational & technology and ASG fees. There may be one-time fees (e.g. application fee)—check with the RN to BSN program coordinator.
4. North Carolina Agricultural & Technical State University
- Program: Online BSN Completion
- RN to BSN Credits: 31
- Affordable Pick for Out-of-State: No
- Cost Info: Tuition & Fees
- NCLEX Pass Rates: 73.91%
North Carolina’s A&T’s 100% Online BSN Completion is another great choice for NC residents. Even when you include the mandatory fees, the total tuition price for this ACEN-accredited program is still incredibly reasonable for in-state students. Out-of-state rates for RNs with a Compact State license are expensive. The Online BSN Completion can be completed on a full-time or part-time basis; a full-time plan of study will take 3 semesters to finish.
Fastest Online RN to BSN Programs in North Carolina
Want to get your BSN done and dusted? Check out these turbo-charged options. To appear in our fastest North Carolina rankings, Online RN to BSN programs had to be less than 3 semesters on a full-time schedule. If you’d like to expand your search, explore our rankings of the Fastest Online RN to BSN Programs in the country—some of them are self-paced.
1. North Carolina Central University
- Program: Online RN to BSN
- RN to BSN Credits: 30
- Length: 2 Semesters (Full-Time); 6 Semesters (Part-Time)
- Accepts Out-of-State RNs: No
- NCLEX Pass Rates: 71.43%
NCCU’s 100% Online RN to BSN is both fast and affordable. This ACEN-accredited program can be completed within 2 semesters on a full-time schedule or 2 years on a part-time schedule. There are 3 start dates—summer, fall & spring. Online coursework is delivered by regular NCCU faculty and offered in a synchronous format. Most courses are 8 weeks in length; the 15-week practicum in Community Health Nursing can be tackled in your local area.
2. Fayetteville State University
- Program: Online RN to BSN
- RN to BSN Credits: 32
- Length: 2.5 Semesters (Full-Time); 5 Semesters (Part-Time)
- Accepts Out-of-State RNs: Yes
- NCLEX Pass Rates: 77.65%
FSU’s 100% Online RN to BSN is not only affordable; it’s fast! On a full-time plan, you can complete the program in 2.5 semesters/10 months. A part-time plan of study would take 5 semesters. There are 10 courses—full-time students take 2 courses in an 8-week block (e.g. 4 courses per semester). The program starts in spring or fall. Clinical coursework (e.g. Community Health & Senior Practicum) can be completed in your home area.
RN to BSN Scholarships in North Carolina
Statewide Scholarships for North Carolina RN to BSN Students
North Carolina Nursing Organization Scholarships
Thanks to a booming healthcare sector, North Carolina is swimming in funds & scholarships for BSN students. Start by applying for awards from these 2 organizations:
- North Carolina Foundation for Nursing (NCFN) Scholarships
- Blue Cross and Blue Shield of North Carolina Health Sciences Scholarship
North Carolina Regional Nursing Scholarships
After you’ve filled out NCFN applications, you might want to pursue opportunities from regional institutions. For instance, the Black Nurses Rock (BNR) Greater Charlotte Chapter often gives out scholarships to members.
Regional branches of NCNA also have educational funding on offer. For example:
- The Southeast Region offers merit scholarships to student nurses within the geographical area of Brunswick, Carteret, Craven, Duplin, Jones, Lenoir, New Hanover, Onslow, Pamlico, and Pender counties.
- The Triangle Region distributes annual scholarships—undergraduate, graduate, and doctoral nursing students are encouraged to apply.
Check with your local branch for more details.
North Carolina Community Foundation Scholarships
Community foundations are a hidden source of funding! Once you’ve explored the College Foundation of North Carolina (CFNC)’s Forgivable Education Loan for Service (FELS) Program, be sure to find your local NC community foundation and visit the scholarship section. Here are just a few examples to get you started:
- North Carolina Community Foundation (NCCF) Scholarships
- Triangle Community Foundation (TCF) Scholarships
- Foundation for the Carolinas (FFTC) Scholarships: FFTC offers lots of nursing scholarships, including awards for non-traditional students.
- Winston-Salem Foundation (WSF) Scholarships: WSF also administers two health education loan funds for NC residents; loans are awarded to undergraduates with financial need; some money may be available for graduate students.
North Carolina Healthcare System & University Partnerships
Are you working for a North Carolina healthcare institution or hospital? Talk to your HR representative before you decide on an Online RN to BSN. Universities and hospitals have all kinds of partnership programs in place (e.g. UMO’s Trojan Alliance Partnership (TAP) Tuition Scholarship). Specific healthcare examples include:
- UNC Health Care System: Permanent, full-time UNC Health Care employees can apply for UNC Tuition Waivers at any UNC system school; employees and their spouses are eligible for Student Fee Waivers.
- Wake Forest Baptist Health: Wake Forest Baptist Health Education Benefits include tuition reimbursement, a whole host of tuition discounts, and specific nursing scholarships.
- CarolinaEast Health: CarolinaEast Health offers the Hageman Nursing Scholarship—scholarship applicants must be from Craven, Carteret, Jones, Onslow or Pamlico counties.
- Atrium Health: All Atrium Health nursing teammates, Carolinas College alumni, Cabarrus alumni, and Mercy School of Nursing alumni are eligible for the RN to BSN Loan Forgiveness Program. Atrium employees may also qualify for educational assistance, lower tuition, and fee breaks.
University Scholarships for North Carolina RN to BSN Students
As you might expect, big UNC schools tend to have the most institutional aid for nursing undergraduates. However, we’ve also included any unique tuition waivers or loan forgiveness programs that we encountered! When you’re looking at criteria for general university scholarships, keep in mind that many awards will be reserved for “traditional” 4-year undergraduates.
Appalachian State University
- Department of Nursing Scholarships
- Continuing Student Scholarships
- ASU Scholarships
- UNC Tuition Waivers (UNC Health Care System Employees)
Barton College
Cabarrus College of Health Sciences
Campbell University
Carolinas College of Health Sciences
Catawba College
East Carolina University
Fayetteville State University
- School of Nursing Scholarships
- FSU Scholarships
- UNC Tuition Waivers (UNC Health Care System Employees)
Gardner-Webb University
Lees-McRae College
North Carolina Agricultural & Technical State University
North Carolina Central University
North Carolina Wesleyan University
Pfeiffer University
Queens University of Charlotte
University of Mount Olive
University of North Carolina at Charlotte
- College of Health and Human Services (CHHS) Scholarships
- NinerScholars Portal
- UNC Tuition Waivers (UNC Health Care System Employees)
University of North Carolina at Greensboro
- School of Nursing Financial Aid & Scholarship Resources
- UNCG Grants & Scholarships
- UNC Tuition Waivers (UNC Health Care System Employees)
University of North Carolina at Pembroke
- Pembroke Pathways Scholarship
- UNCP Scholarships
- UNC Tuition Waivers (UNC Health Care System Employees)
University of North Carolina at Wilmington
- School of Nursing Scholarships
- UNCW Scholarships
- UNC Tuition Waivers (UNC Health Care System Employees)
Western Carolina University
- School of Nursing Scholarships
- WCU Scholarships
- UNC Tuition Waivers (UNC Health Care System Employees)
Winston-Salem State University
RN to BSN Requirements in North Carolina
RN Licensure: Online RN to BSN degrees are classified as “post-licensure” programs. Schools of Nursing will expect you to have—or be in the process of earning—your RN license. Some NC universities will want to see an RN license upfront; others are a little more flexible. For instance, Barton accepts new & unlicensed ADN graduates, but they must have their RN license before the NUR 319 course.
- If you need any help with state licensure, visit the North Carolina Board of Nursing (NCBON). NCBON doesn’t have authority over post-licensure programs like the RN to BSN, but it does provide a list of board-approved nursing programs.
- We also like to use NCLEX Pass Rates for pre-licensure programs as a quality benchmark. Any school with consistently low pass rates is one to avoid!
State Authorization: Do you live out-of-state? Be sure to check the Admissions section. North Carolina schools have a hodgepodge of rules. Some Online RN to BSN programs:
- Only accept candidates with a North Carolina RN license
- Accept out-of-state candidates with a multi-state NLC license from a Compact State
- Accept out-of-state candidates, but have rules regarding State Authorization
When in doubt, talk to the RN to BSN program coordinator.
North Carolina Online RN to BSN Programs: FAQs
Are There Any 100% Online RN to BSN Programs in North Carolina?
Yes! The vast majority of programs in our North Carolina listings are 100%, with no campus visits required. Just bear in mind that 100% online programs will still include practicums in your local community and/or place of employment.
Can I Choose a “No Clinicals” Online RN to BSN Program in North Carolina?
CCNE- and ACEN-accredited RN to BSN programs contain practicums & clinical components. However, these will be different from your diploma or associate degree experiences. Clinicals at the RN to BSN level often involve work at community/public health sites and current work sites. For instance:
- FSU’s Online RN to BSN includes clinicals in Community Health and the Senior Practicum. There are options for service learning, virtual learning, and project-based experiences.
- UNCW’s Online RN to BSN incorporates practice experiences that address different aspects of nursing (e.g. conducting research on nursing challenges in a specific healthcare setting, planning & executing a local community wellness initiative, etc.). Supervisors mentor any students working in a direct care capacity or otherwise interacting with patients.
- Cabarrus’s Online RN to BSN includes a population health service learning project in the final spring semester. This can be conducted in your local area.
Do I Need to Have Statistics to Apply for North Carolina Online RN to BSN Programs?
Check the Curriculum and Admissions sections. Statistics is a standard prerequisite at most North Carolina schools, but universities may be willing to let you take it after you have applied. For example, at North Carolina A&T, up to three general education courses may be taken after enrollment.
Are There Any Online RN to BSN to MSN Programs in North Carolina?
We had trouble finding any dedicated “Online RN to BSN to MSN” programs in North Carolina.
- Programs like QUC’s Online RN to MSN appear to skip the BSN and go straight to the master’s degree (though it never hurts to check)!
- Gardner Webb’s RN to MSN allows students to earn a BSN on their way toward a master’s degree, but it’s an on-campus program.
If you’re planning on earning an MSN and you need a BSN for employment purposes, talk to the RN to BSN program coordinator. You may be allowed to substitute some of your BSN-level coursework for MSN-level credits. This will save you time and money in the future.
Should I Choose an ACEN-Accredited or CCNE-Accredited Online RN to BSN in North Carolina?
It’s up to you. Both organizations are well-known and well-respected accreditation bodies for BSN-level programs. See our section on Accreditation for more details.
You should also make sure your university is regionally accredited. That’s because having a CCNE- or ACEN-accredited degree from a regionally accredited institution is the standard requirement for MSN and BSN to DNP programs.
North Carolina RN to BSN Online Schools

Appalachian State University
Department of Nursing
Boone, North Carolina
Offered Online
Barton College
School of Nursing
Wilson, North Carolina
Offered Online
Cabarrus College of Health Sciences
Louise Harkey School of Nursing
Concord, North Carolina
Offered Online
Campbell University
Catherine W. Wood School of Nursing
Buies Creek, North Carolina
Offered Online
Carolinas College of Health Sciences
College of Health Sciences
Charlotte, North Carolina
Offered Online
Catawba College
Department of Nursing
Salisbury, North Carolina
Offered Online
East Carolina University
College of Nursing
Greenville, North Carolina
Offered Online
Fayetteville State University
School of Nursing
Fayetteville, North Carolina
Offered Online
Gardner-Webb University
School of Nursing
Boiling Springs, North Carolina
Registered Nurse to Bachelor of Science in Nursing
Offered Online
Lees-McRae College
May School of Nursing and Health Sciences
Banner Elk, North Carolina
Offered Online
North Carolina A & T State University
School of Nursing
Greensboro, North Carolina
Bachelor of Science in Nursing Completion
Offered Online
North Carolina Central University
Department of Nursing
Durham, North Carolina
Offered Online
North Carolina Wesleyan University
School of Nursing
Rocky Mount, North Carolina
RN to BSN Online
Offered Online
Pfeiffer University
Division of Applied Health Sciences
Misenheimer, North Carolina
Offered Online
Queens University of Charlotte
Presbyterian School of Nursing
Charlotte, North Carolina
Offered Online
University of North Carolina at Charlotte
College of Health and Human Services
Charlotte, North Carolina
RN to BSN Completion
Offered Online
University of North Carolina at Greensboro
School of Nursing
Greensboro, North Carolina
Offered Online
University of North Carolina at Pembroke
College of Health Sciences
Pembroke, North Carolina
Offered Online
University of North Carolina Wilmington
School of Nursing
Wilmington, North Carolina
Offered Online
Western Carolina University
School of Nursing
Cullowhee, North Carolina
Offered Online
Winston-Salem State University
Division of Nursing
Winston-Salem, North Carolina
Offered Online