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Choose a New Mexico Online RN to BSN program that matches your career goals! Use our state listings to explore public & private options, including holistic-themed programs. Find rankings of the best and cheapest Online RN to BSN programs in New Mexico. Explore New Mexico RN to BSN scholarships. And get answers to FAQs, including details on prerequisites & practicums.
Best RN to BSN Online Programs in New Mexico
1. University of New Mexico
- Program: Online RN to BSN
- RN to BSN Credits: 30
- Length: ~3 Semesters (Full-Time); Part-Time Available
- Accepts Out-of-State RNs: Yes—Check Available States
- NCLEX Pass Rates: 87.37%
UNM is our undisputed #1 pick for New Mexico. The College of Nursing has 11,500+ nursing students (57% of students are minorities) and a giant research arm. It achieves sturdy NCLEX results and excellent board certification pass rates. It’s affiliated with 300+ clinical sites, including a Primary Care TeleECHO Clinic. It offers departmental scholarships. And it has a convenient, 100% Online RN to BSN with multiple start dates throughout the year. We love the fact that this program includes in-depth coursework (e.g. Genetic Literacy Across the Lifespan and Health Policy, Economics & Systems), a Capstone practicum, and 6 credits of electives. You can tailor the degree to your career aims!
2. Eastern New Mexico University
- Program: Online BSN Completion Program
- RN to BSN Credits: 35
- Length: 4 Semesters (Full-Time)
- Accepts Out-of-State RNs: Yes
- NCLEX Pass Rates: 83.33%
ENMU’s 100% Online BSN Completion Program may not have the name recognition of UNM, but it’s still a respectable ACEN-accredited degree with a flexible format. You can start in any semester and classes are 8 weeks in length. We especially like the fact that some courses include recorded & live lectures via Mediasite. Just keep in mind that ENMU will expect you to complete 32 credits for RN to BSN coursework and a 3-credit course in diversity/global health care. (Statistics is required as a prerequisite or co-requisite.) Thinking of further study? The Department of Health and Human Services also offers a 100% Online MSN for Nurse Educators.
Cheapest RN to BSN Online Programs in New Mexico
To appear in our Cheapest rankings, New Mexico universities had to offer Online RN to BSN programs that were under $10,100 in total tuition. Only NNMC met this threshold. You may also want to check out our rankings of the Most Affordable Online RN to BSN Programs in the country.
1. Northern New Mexico College
- Program: Online RN to BSN
- RN to BSN Credits: 34
- Affordable Pick for Out-of-State: Yes
- Cost Info: Tuition & Fees
- NCLEX Pass Rates: 84.62%
NNMC’s tuition rate for upper division nursing courses, including all fees, is pretty manageable. If you’re a New Mexico RN who only needs 34 credits for the CCNE-accredited Online RN to BSN, the price will be ~$10,030. Out-of-state RNs will pay ~$10,880. This holistic program focuses on how to incorporate alternative and complementary therapies into nursing practice, including self-care and alternative therapies.
Fastest Online RN to BSN Programs in New Mexico
We had trouble finding any New Mexico Online RN to BSN programs that were less than 1 year/3 semesters on a full-time schedule. Many plans of study were organized on a 16-month or 2-year calendar. If you really need to earn your BSN in a hurry, have a look at our rankings of the Fastest Online RN to BSN Programs in the country. There are plenty of self-paced and 2-semester options!
RN to BSN Scholarships in New Mexico
Statewide Scholarships for New Mexico RN to BSN Students
New Mexico Nursing Organization Scholarships
Statewide and regional nursing organizations are going to be your best bet for New Mexico nursing scholarships. We particularly recommend:
- New Mexico Center for Nursing Excellence: Nightingale Scholarships
- New Mexico Native American Indian Nurses Association (NMNAINA) Scholarships
New Mexico Community Foundation Scholarships
You might also want to take a moment to find your local Community Foundation in NM and ask them about scholarship opportunities. In addition to offering awards to recent high school graduates, foundations often have funds for adult learners. Here are just a couple of examples:
- Community Foundation Of Southern New Mexico (CFSNM) Scholarships
- Albuquerque Community Foundation (ACF) Scholarships for Current & Returning College Students
New Mexico Healthcare System & University Partnerships
Do you work for a New Mexico healthcare system or hospital? Chat to your HR representative about your education plans. You may be eligible for all kinds of employee benefits, including tuition discounts, tuition reimbursement, loan forgiveness schemes, and more. Your employer may even have its own awards (e.g. Gila Regional Medical Center (GRMC) Scholarships).
University Scholarships for New Mexico RN to BSN Students
UNM is going to have the most institutional aid in New Mexico—it awards more than $270,000 in School of Nursing scholarships. ENMU and WNMU also offer nursing funds through Foundation Scholarships. Before you sign up for a program, ask the RN to BSN program coordinator about funding opportunities.
Eastern New Mexico State University
New Mexico Highlands University
Northern New Mexico College
Pima Medical Institute
University of New Mexico
Western New Mexico University
RN to BSN Requirements in New Mexico
RN Licensure: Online RN to BSN degrees are classified as “post-licensure” programs. New Mexico universities will expect you to have—or be in the process of earning—an RN license. If you’re still waiting to sit the NCLEX exam, you may qualify for conditional entry. For example, UNM considers recent associate degree nursing graduates who can obtain an RN license within 14 weeks of acceptance.
- The New Mexico Board of Nursing is your first port of call for questions about state RN licensure.
- The Board also posts NCLEX RN/LPN Pass Rates for New Mexico colleges & universities. These statistics don’t apply to post-licensure programs, but we always like to use them as a general quality marker.
State Authorization: Do you live outside of New Mexico? Double-check that you’re eligible to apply. Most NM schools are willing to accept RNs from any area, but there are occasional exceptions. For example, UNM’s top-ranked Online RN to BSN is unavailable in a small number of states.
New Mexico Online RN to BSN Programs: FAQs
Are 100% Online RN to BSN Programs in New Mexico Available?
Absolutely. Almost all—if not all—Online RN to BSN programs in our New Mexico listings are 100% online, with no campus visits required. Just keep in mind that you will still need to be “on-the-ground” in your local community or place of employment for BSN-level practicums.
Can I Choose a “No Clinicals” Online RN to BSN Program in New Mexico?
CCNE- and ACEN-accredited RN to BSN programs always contain practicums. However, these fieldwork experiences won’t be like bedside clinicals in your diploma or associate degree. Instead, they will be focused on giving you training in areas like community & public health and leadership & management. For example:
- WNMU’s Online RN to BSN includes a 96-hour practicum in Community Health Nursing that can be accomplished in the community where you live.
- ENMU’s Online BSN Completion program contains practicums in Community Health Nursing and Nursing Leadership.
- NMHU’s Online RN to BSN has practicums in Community Health Nursing and Nursing Management (leadership projects and activities within healthcare settings).
You may even come across programs with unique experiences. For example, NNMC’s Online RN to BSN has a Complementary and Alternative Therapies in Nursing course where you can develop skills in the provision of CAM modalities by interacting with practitioners in select clinical settings.
Do I Need Statistics to Apply for New Mexico Online RN to BSN Programs?
Probably. We saw it listed as a prerequisite for a large number of schools. However, we did notice that Pima Medical Institute (PMI) and ENMU incorporate a 300-level Statistical course into their RN to BSN curricula. If you don’t have statistics, ask the RN to BSN program coordinator if you can take it as a “co-requisite” while you are completing your degree.
Are There Any Online RN to BSN to MSN Programs in New Mexico?
Not that we could find. However, they do exist in other states! Browse through our listings of RN to BSN to MSN Programs to get a sense of your choices. You might also ask the RN to BSN program coordinator if you can take MSN-level coursework during your RN to BSN. This will give you a head-start on graduate credits and save you some money down the track.
What Should I Know About For-Profit Schools in New Mexico?
Pima Medical Institute is a private, for-profit medical career college. It is CCNE-accredited, but it is not regionally accredited. It’s only nationally accredited by the Accrediting Bureau of Health Education Schools (ABHES). It’s fairly expensive. And it tends to achieve terrible NCLEX RN/LPN pass rates.
For the best results, we always recommend you opt for Online RN to BSN programs from regionally accredited, non-profit schools—preferably with a strong brick & mortar School of Nursing. Regional accreditation will be especially important if you wish to earn an MSN or DNP in the future.
New Mexico RN to BSN Online Schools

Eastern New Mexico University-Main Campus
Department of Health and Human Services
Portales, New Mexico
RN to BSN Completion
Offered Online
New Mexico Highlands University
Department of Nursing
Las Vegas, New Mexico
Offered Online
Northern New Mexico College
School of Science, Technology, Engineering, Math & Health Sciences
Espanola, New Mexico
Offered Online
Pima Medical Institute
Nursing Program
Albuquerque, New Mexico
Offered Online
University of New Mexico-Main Campus
College of Nursing
Albuquerque, New Mexico
RN to BSN Degree Completion
Offered Online
Western New Mexico University
School of Nursing and Kinesiology
Silver City, New Mexico
Offered Online