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Find a Missouri Online RN to BSN that matches your budget & career aims! Explore our rankings of the best, cheapest, and fastest Online RN to BSN programs in Missouri. Use our state listings to learn more about curricula & admissions. Apply for tons of Missouri RN to BSN scholarships. And get answers to FAQs, including details on Online RN to BSN to MSN pathways.
Best RN to BSN Online Programs in Missouri
1. University of Missouri
- Program: Online RN to BSN
- RN to BSN Credits: 26+ (Usually 30)
- Length: 4 Semesters (Full-Time); 6 Semesters (Part-Time)
- Accepts Out-of-State RNs: Yes – Check State Authorization for Exceptions
- NCLEX Pass Rates: 83.41%
MU’s 100% Online RN to BSN is a no-brainer for our #1 spot. It’s flexible, practical, and full of opportunities. During the 45-hour clinical in Community Health, you can work with a county health agency, serve as a summer camp nurse, or take advantage of travel abroad opportunities. The Sinclair School of Nursing can boast of great pass rates for NP certification exams and graduate placement rates of 98%-100%. It’s an integral part of the University of Missouri Health System. And it offers plenty of BSN to DNP pathways and MSN options. Coming from a Missouri community college? Ask about dual enrollment.
2. Saint Louis University
- Program: Online RN to BSN
- RN to BSN Credits: 30
- Length: 2 Semesters (Full-Time); 4 Semesters (Part-Time)
- Accepts Out-of-State RNs: Yes – View Accepted States
- NCLEX Pass Rates: 89.55%
SLU’s 100% Online RN to BSN is packed with possibilities. It can be completed in an accelerated time-frame. It includes a Community Project for RNs. And it’s well-connected. The Valentine School of Nursing is located in the SLU Medical Center, within easy walking distance of SSM hospitals. Student reviewers have nothing but praise for the expertise & support of instructors, the rigor of programs, and employment options for graduates. SLU is a Private Jesuit university, so tuition rates tend to be higher than public schools. However, it offers all kinds of way to offset costs, including nursing scholarships, deferred payment for tuition reimbursement, and tuition discounts for corporate partners, including SSM Health.
3. University of Central Missouri
- Program: Online RN-BSN
- RN to BSN Credits: 30
- Length: 2 Semesters (Full-Time); 3+ Semesters (Part-Time)
- Accepts Out-of-State RNs: Yes
- NCLEX Pass Rates: 96.20%
UCM’s Online RN-BSN scores the trifecta—it’s speedy, affordable, and high quality! The School of Nursing isn’t a research powerhouse, but it has a 100% job placement rate, ties to Kansas City & regional clinical partners, and graduate pathways in FNP and Nurse Education. These MSN programs often receive great independent reviews from graduates. Better yet, there’s no extra tuition charges for out-of-state RNs. Have a look at the curriculum in the academic catalog to learn more about the degree. In addition to 2-6 credits of electives, you’ll tackle practicums in Community Health and Nursing Leadership.
Cheapest RN to BSN Online Programs in Missouri
We’re happy to report that Missouri is an affordable state for Online RN to BSN students! Unlike some coastal states (e.g. New York and California), MO universities don’t charge through the nose. All of the options in our Cheap MO rankings fall under $9,500 in total tuition if you don’t need extra prerequisites or GE courses.
However, we have one key recommendation for Missouri schools: Ask the RN to BSN coordinator for a sample budget. Many public RN to BSN programs in MO come with additional program & course fees. Your costs may go up accordingly.
1. Central Methodist University
- Program: Online RN to BSN
- RN to BSN Credits: 30
- Affordable Pick for Out-of-State: Yes – See Approved States
- Cost Info: Tuition & Fees
- NCLEX Pass Rates: 84.00%
CMU is a private university affiliated with the United Methodist Church. That means the tuition price for its Online RN to BSN is the same for all students, regardless of their state of residence. College of Graduate and Extended Studies rates are subject to additional fees (e.g. Graduation Fee), but they’re not particularly onerous. Check the list of Approved States before you apply.
2. Missouri Western State University
- Program: Online Diploma/ADN to BSN Completion
- RN to BSN Credits: 31
- Affordable Pick for Out-of-State: Yes for Griffon Rate Waiver States
- Cost Info: Tuition & Fees
- NCLEX Pass Rates: 85.71%
If you qualify for in-state rates, total tuition for MWSU’s Online Diploma/ADN to BSN Completion is eminently affordable—be aware that there may be additional program and course fees. The out-of-state rate is almost twice the in-state rate. However, many states qualify for a special Griffon Rate Waiver. Discounts are also available for North Kansas City Hospital, Liberty Hospital, Truman Medical Center and Mosaic Life Care employees.
3. University of Central Missouri
- Program: Online RN-BSN
- RN to BSN Credits: 30
- Affordable Pick for Out-of-State: Yes
- Cost Info: Tuition & Fees
- NCLEX Pass Rates: 96.20%
UCM’s 100% Online RN-BSN is not only good, it’s relatively cheap. Even though UCM is a public school, the online tuition rate is the same for in-state and out-of-state residents. UCM also offers an Undergraduate Active Military Tuition Discount. You’ll notice that per credit hour rates do not include various fees (e.g. technology). Refer to the current fee schedule on the tuition page and ask the RN to BSN program coordinator for a sample budget.
Fastest Online RN to BSN Programs in Missouri
To appear in our Fastest rankings, Missouri Online RN to BSN programs had to be quicker than 1 year/3 semesters. Any program that took 12 months or more was automatically excluded. Happily, both of these MO schools also appear in our Best rankings. You won’t have to sacrifice quality for speed!
1. University of Central Missouri
- Program: Online RN-BSN
- RN to BSN Credits: 30
- Length: 2 Semesters (Full-Time); 3+ Semesters (Part-Time)
- Accepts Out-of-State RNs: Yes
- NCLEX Pass Rates: 96.20%
On a full-time schedule, UCM’s 100% Online RN-BSN can be completed in 8 months (part-time options are also available). In this scenario, you might take 5 courses in the first semester and 6 courses in the second semester. Coursework will include 2 practicums in Community Health and Nursing Leadership in Management. You can start this 2-semester program in the fall, spring, or summer term.
2. Saint Louis University
- Program: Online RN to BSN
- RN to BSN Credits: 30
- Length: 2 Semesters (Full-Time); 4 Semesters (Part-Time)
- Accepts Out-of-State RNs: Yes – View Accepted States
- NCLEX Pass Rates: 89.55%
SLU’s 100% Online RN to BSN is available in a full-time, 2-semester plan of study or a part-time, 4-semester format. View the Roadmap to plan your schedule. If you opt for the full-time pathway, you might take 4 courses in the fall semester (including a course in Leadership and Management for RNs) and 4 courses in the spring semester (including a 16-week Community Project for RNs).
RN to BSN Scholarships in Missouri
Statewide Scholarships for Missouri RN to BSN Students
Missouri Nursing Organization Scholarships
Missouri is swimming in scholarships for RN to BSN students! Start with statewide MO nursing & healthcare organizations. Examples include:
- Missouri League for Nursing Scholarships
- Missouri Public Health Association (MOPHA) Scholarships
- Mosaic Life Care Foundation Scholarships
Keep in mind, too, that the Department of Health and Senior Services (DHSS) offers Health Professional Nursing Student Loans (Missouri Residents).
Regional Nursing Scholarships in Missouri
Kansas City
- National Association of Hispanic Nurses – Kansas City (NAHN-KC) Scholarship
- KC Scholars: Adult Learner Scholarship
- Kansas City Area Healthcare Recruiters Association (KCAHRA) Nursing Scholarship
St. Louis & Other Regions
- Greater Lee’s Summit Healthcare Foundation
- SoutheastHEALTH Foundation Scholarships
- Visiting Nurse Association of Greater St. Louis (VNASTL): Home Health Care Foundation (HHC) Scholarships: For Maryville, SLU, and UMSL Nursing Students
Missouri Community Foundation Scholarships
Community foundations are a hidden source of RN to BSN funding (e.g. Deaconess Foundation Nursing Scholarship). We’ve provided links to a couple of examples below, but we urge to you to find your local community foundation and ask about scholarship opportunities.
- Greater Kansas City Community Foundation (GKCCF) Scholarships
- St. Louis Community Foundation Scholarships
Missouri Healthcare System & University Partnerships
Do you work for a MO healthcare system or Kansas City healthcare provider? Talk to your HR representative about your education plans. Many universities offer special partner tuition discounts & benefits to local healthcare employees. Examples include:
- SLU’s tuition discount for corporate partners, including employees of SSM Health.
- MWSU’s tuition discounts for North Kansas City Hospital, Liberty Hospital, Truman Medical Center, and Mosaic Life Care employees.
- Columbia’s partnership tuition rate for employees of Boone Hospital Center, Mercy, and more.
- Saint Luke’s College of Health Sciences’s tuition discount for SLHS employees and area colleges. SLHS employees can cover the entire cost of the discounted program with tuition reimbursement dollars.
University Scholarships for Missouri RN to BSN Students
Institutional aid at Missouri universities & colleges will vary. Big schools like SLU and UMKC have tons of tuition discounts and nursing awards. Smaller schools may only offer general scholarships. When you’re exploring scholarship links, make sure that online, upper division students are eligible to apply. Many university awards will be reserved for “traditional” 4-year undergraduate students.
Central Methodist University
Columbia College
Hannibal-LaGrange University
Lincoln University
Maryville University
- Maryville Online Tuition & Financial Aid
- Visiting Nurse Association of Greater St. Louis (VNASTL): Home Health Care Foundation (HHC) Scholarships
- Maryville Scholarships & Financial Aid
Missouri State University-Springfield
Missouri Western State University
Park University
Saint Louis University
- Tuition Discount for Corporate Partners
- Military, Veteran and First Responders Tuition Discount
- School for Professional Studies (SPS) Scholarships
- School of Nursing Scholarships
- Visiting Nurse Association of Greater St. Louis (VNASTL): Home Health Care Foundation (HHC) Scholarships
- SLU Scholarships
Saint Luke’s College of Health Sciences at Rockhurst University
Southeast Missouri Hospital College of Nursing and Health Sciences
Southeast Missouri State University
Southwest Baptist University
University of Central Missouri
University of Missouri
- Public Missouri Community College Tuition Discount
- School of Nursing Scholarships
- Mizzou Scholarships
University of Missouri-Kansas City
- Kansas Discount Tuition Rate
- Heartland Discount Tuition Rate
- School of Nursing and Health Studies (SONHS) Affordability
- UMKC Scholarships
University of Missouri-St. Louis
- College of Nursing Scholarships & Loans
- Visiting Nurse Association of Greater St. Louis (VNASTL): Home Health Care Foundation (HHC) Scholarships
- UMSL Scholarships and Grants
Webster University
RN to BSN Requirements in Missouri
RN Licensure: Online RN to BSN degrees are classified as “post-licensure” programs. That means Missouri universities will expect you to have—or be in the process of earning—your RN license. There is a little bit of leeway in this rule. For example:
- Applicants to MU’s 100% Online RN to BSN must have an RN license OR or provide evidence of eligibility to sit for the NCLEX during the first semester of enrollment. (For dual enrollment students, selected courses may be taken without RN licensure).
Check the Admissions section of your program for full details. If you have questions on state licensure, the Missouri State Board of Nursing can provide answers. The Board also posts annual NCLEX Pass Rates and a list of Approved Nursing Programs. Although NCLEX pass rates don’t apply to post-licensure programs, we like to use them as an extra check on quality.
State Authorization: Do you live outside of Missouri? Be sure you’re eligible to apply. In our research, we noticed that a number of MO schools—including MU, UMKC, SLU, CMU, UMSL, Southeast, and others—were only able to accept RNs from certain states. Check the section on State Authorization.
Missouri Online RN to BSN Programs: FAQs
Are There Any 100% Online RN to BSN Programs in Missouri?
Absolutely. The vast majority of programs in our state listings and our MO rankings are 100% online. You can truly have your pick! Just remember that will you be expected to tackle on-the-ground practicums in your home community and/or place of employment.
There are a few exceptions to this rule. If you’d prefer the personal touch, you could consider:
- Southeast’s CCNE-accredited Hybrid RN to BSN Completion Program: Courses are offered in a blended format with didactic classes meeting one day per week.
- Lincoln University’s ACEN-accredited Hybrid RN-BSN Program: Didactic BSN nursing courses & practicums are online. However, students are required to participate in on-campus activities (e.g. projects or presentations).
Can I Choose a “No Clinicals” Online RN to BSN Program in Missouri?
It depends on what you mean by “clinicals.” CCNE-accredited and ACEN-accredited post-licensure BSN programs usually include a direct care focus that’s woven into the Community Health course. You may also be asked to complete practicums for your Nursing Leadership course and/or capstone project.
If you’re enrolled in a 100% online program in Missouri, you’ll be able to tackle these practicums in your home community and/or place of employment. Feel free to ask the RN to BSN program coordinator about this process (e.g. what kinds of local sites & preceptors are acceptable).
Are There Any Online RN to BSN to MSN Programs in Missouri?
Thinking about graduate work, but need a BSN for employment purposes? Online RN to BSN to MSN programs are designed to allow you to earn a BSN and an MSN in a shortened time-frame.
- We didn’t find any Missouri-based schools that offered unique Online RN to BSN to MSN programs. However, MU’s 100% Online RN to BSN has a special graduate pathway that permits students to take graduate-level credit while enrolled in the RN-BSN program.
- You can also explore our listings of RN to BSN to MSN Programs. For example, Graceland University—which has a campus in Independence—offers an Online RN to BSN to MSN that allows you to “stop out” if you desire to leave the program after earning your BSN.
Do I Need Statistics to Apply for Missouri Online RN to BSN Programs?
Maybe. Statistics is a standard prerequisite for Online RN to BSN programs, but universities are often willing to let you take the course while you are completing your degree. For instance:
- In MU’s 100% Online RN to BSN, General Education & Foundation prerequisites (including Statistics) may be completed at MU or transferred from any accredited college or university.
- In SLU’s 100% Online RN to BSN, applicants must have a mathematics prerequisite, but this course can be college-level Algebra (no intermediate or basic/elementary), Mathematics, or Data Analysis/Statistics at a level of 1000 or above. SLU is a Christian school, so it also requires a prerequisite in Theological Foundations.
If you don’t have Statistics, check the Admissions & Curriculum sections and talk to the RN to BSN program coordinator about your options.
Missouri RN to BSN Online Schools

Central Methodist University
School of Nursing
Fayette, Missouri
Offered Online
Columbia College
Nursing Department
Columbia, Missouri
Offered Online
Hannibal-LaGrange University
Craigmiles School of Nursing
Hannibal, Missouri
Offered Online
Lincoln University
School of Nursing
Jefferson City, Missouri
Offered Online
Maryville University
School of Nursing
Saint Louis, Missouri
Offered Online
Missouri State University-Springfield
School of Nursing
Springfield, Missouri
Nursing Completion Program for Registered Nurses (BSN-C)
Offered Online
Missouri Western State University
School of Nursing and Health Professions
Saint Joseph, Missouri
Diploma/ADN to BSN Completion
Offered Online
Park University
Ellen Finley Earhart Department of Nursing
Parkville, Missouri
Offered Online
Saint Louis University-Main Campus
Trudy Busch Valentine School of Nursing
Saint Louis, Missouri
Offered Online
Saint Luke's College of Health Sciences
College of Health Sciences
Kansas City, Missouri
Offered Online
Southeast Missouri Hospital College of Nursing and Health Sciences
Nursing Program
Cape Girardeau, Missouri
Offered Online
Southeast Missouri State University
College of Education, Health and Human Studies
Cape Girardeau, Missouri
Offered Online
Southwest Baptist University
Nursing Department
Bolivar, Missouri
Offered Online
University of Central Missouri
School of Nursing
Warrensburg, Missouri
Offered Online
University of Missouri-Columbia
Sinclair School of Nursing
Columbia, Missouri
Offered Online
University of Missouri-Kansas City
School of Nursing and Health Studies
Kansas City, Missouri
Offered Online
University of Missouri-St Louis
College of Nursing
Saint Louis, Missouri
Offered Online
Webster University
Department of Nursing
Saint Louis, Missouri
RN-BSN Completion
Offered Online