On This Page:
Choose a Maine Online RN to BSN that works for you! Use our state listings to explore CCNE- and ACEN-accredited options. Discover rankings of the cheapest and fastest Online RN to BSN programs in Maine. Apply for Maine RN to BSN scholarships and ME hospital awards. And get answers to FAQs, including details on 100% online programs.
Best RN to BSN Online Programs in Maine
There are only 3 schools that offer accredited Online RN to BSN programs in Maine: UMA, UMFK, and MCHP. So it can be tricky to label one as the “Best.”
- UMFK’s fast & affordable Online RN to BSN might be of interest to rural RNs.
- UMA’s Online RN to BSN Completion Program is a good choice if you’re interested in holistic nursing—it’s AHNCC-endorsed.
- MCHP’s Online RN-BSN has useful clinical connections in Portland/Lewiston (e.g. Central Maine Medical Center).
Have a look at their offerings in our ME listings and then check out the rankings of the Best Online RN to BSN Programs before you make a decision.
Cheapest RN to BSN Online Programs in Maine
1. University of Maine at Augusta
- Program: Online RN to BSN
- RN to BSN Credits: 33
- Affordable Pick for Out-of-State: Yes for Canadian Undergraduates
- Cost Info: Tuition & Fees
- NCLEX Pass Rates: 100%
To calculate tuition costs for UMA’s holistic-focused Online RN to BSN, we used 33 credits as our baseline number. That’s the total number of nursing credits. However, if you have to tackle additional General Education credits, the price will go up. In-state residents and Canadians pay the same low per credit rate. Students residing outside of Maine pay a reduced tuition rate of 125% of in-state tuition for all online courses at UMA.
2. University of Maine at Fort Kent
- Program: Online RN to BSN
- RN to BSN Credits: 30
- Affordable Pick for Out-of-State: Yes—Check State Authorization
- Cost Info: Tuition & Fees
- NCLEX Pass Rates: 77.08%
UMFK is admirably up-front about tuition costs for its 100% Online RN to BSN. All students—both in-state and out-of-state—pay the same affordable per credit rate, with no extra fees and no application fee. This program has 30 credits of nursing courses. Any additional General Education courses will be charged at the RN to BSN rate.
Fastest Online RN to BSN Programs in Maine
To qualify as quick, Online RN to BSN programs in Maine had to take less than 1 year/3 semesters to complete. You’ll also see this school appearing in our rankings of the Fastest Online RN to BSN Programs in the country.
1. University of Maine at Fort Kent
- Program: Online RN to BSN
- RN to BSN Credits: 30
- Length: 10 Months (Full-Time); Part-Time Schedules Available
- Accepts Out-of-State RNs: Yes—Check State Authorization
- NCLEX Pass Rates: 77.08%
With a full-time plan of study, UMFK’s 100% Online RN to BSN can be completed in 10 months. Courses are 7 weeks long and there are 6 start dates each year. Coursework is 100% online, but the final course in Integrated Nursing Practice (i.e. the capstone) contains fieldwork in community-based nursing and a portfolio. See the Calendar tab for sample start times & important deadlines.
RN to BSN Scholarships in Maine
Statewide Scholarships for Maine RN to BSN Students
Maine Nursing Organization Scholarships
- The Maine State Nurses Association (MSNA) offers MSNA Scholarships to Maine residents in accredited undergraduate & graduate nursing programs. Applicants must have a 3.0 GPA or higher; preference is given to full-time students.
- American Nurses’ Association-MAINE (ANA-MAINE) has Nursing Scholarships for pre-licensure and MSN/DNP students. So it never hurts to ask if RN to BSN awards will be available in the future.
- OMNE/Nursing Leaders of Maine Scholarships are open to RN to BSN students—any Maine resident in a BSN program can apply!
Maine Healthcare System & University Partnerships
Do you work for a Maine hospital or New England healthcare system? Chat to your HR representative about your plans. You may be able to take advantage of all kinds of benefits. For instance, the Central Maine Healthcare (CMH) Nursing Loan Repayment Program is open to nurses with a 2-year degree who wish to earn a BSN.
Maine Hospital Scholarships
Maine hospitals also offer their own unique scholarships! Some of these awards are aimed at employees; some are given to Maine residents in the hospital area. Check out:
- MaineGeneral Health Scholarships
- Maine Medical Center Nursing Scholarships
- Memorial Hospital MaineHealth Scholarships
Maine Community Foundation Scholarships
Take a moment to apply for Maine Community Foundation (MCF) Scholarships. In addition to helping recent high school graduates, MCF gives out education funding to adult learners.
University Scholarships for Maine RN to BSN Students
Anyone who’s in the UM system will be able to take advantage of tuition waivers; UMA also offers specific tuition discounts to out-of-state students. When you’re looking into university-wide scholarships, just keep in mind that many awards will be for “traditional” 4-year undergraduates.
Maine College of Health Professions
University of Maine at Augusta
University of Maine at Fort Kent
RN to BSN Requirements in Maine
RN Licensure: Online RN to BSN degrees are classified as “post-licensure” programs. Maine universities will expect you to have—or be in the process of earning—an RN license. If you’re waiting to take the NCLEX exam, you may still be able to apply. For example, UMA’s Online RN to BSN Completion Program is open to aspiring RNs who are able to earn their RN license before the second semester of the program.
- The Maine State Board of Nursing can help answer any questions you may have about state RN licensure.
- It also posts recent NCLEX Pass Rates for Board-approved Maine nursing programs. NCLEX statistics don’t apply to post-licensure programs like the RN to BSN, but it’s always interesting to see which schools are doing well.
State Authorization: Do you live outside of Maine? Check that you’re eligible to apply. Maine schools are usually happy to accept out-of-state and Canadian RNs, but there are exceptions. For example, in the application section, UMFK’s 100% Online RN to BSN has a list of accepted states.
Maine Online RN to BSN Programs: FAQs
Are 100% Online RN to BSN Programs in Maine Available?
Yes. UMFK’s Online RN to BSN and MCHP’s Online RN to BSN are 100% online, with no campus visits required.
UMA’s Online RN to BSN Completion Program is designed to be blended, with online courses and occasional face-to-face meetings. But you can participate in face-to-face classes from your home or work via live web conferencing.
Can I Choose a “No Clinicals” Online RN to BSN in Maine?
Because of accreditation rules, CCNE- and ACEN-accredited Online RN to BSN programs always include on-the-ground practicums and fieldwork experiences. For instance:
- UMFK’s 100% Online RN to BSN features a final course/capstone in Integrated Nursing Practice that has fieldwork in community-based nursing.
- MCHP’s 100% Online RN to BSN includes a final clinical capstone course.
- UMA’s Online RN to BSN Completion Program contains a Community and Global Health Clinical.
Practicums in Online RN to BSN programs can usually be completed in your local community and/or place of employment. Ask the RN to BSN program coordinator if you will need to organize your own preceptors.
Do I Need Statistics to Apply for a Maine Online RN to BSN?
We saw statistics listed as a General Education requirement for UMA, UMFK, and MCHP. But you may not need it to apply. Schools will often allow students to take stats as a “co-requisite” in the first semester or two of Online RN to BSN coursework. Ask the RN to BSN program coordinator if this is possible.
Are There Any Online RN to BSN to MSN Programs in Maine?
Not that we could find. You’ll have better luck with online offerings in our listings of RN to BSN to MSN Programs. There are plenty of accredited options out there, including some from big-name Schools of Nursing.
Should I Consider On-Campus or Hybrid RN to BSN Programs in Maine?
Check out USM’s CCNE-accredited RN to BSN. It’s strong on clinical practice and community health, and offered by a School of Nursing with a well-known name and plenty of clinical partners in Southern Maine. Scholarships are available.
Maine RN to BSN Online Schools

Central Maine Medical Center College of Nursing and Health Professions
School of Nursing
Lewiston, Maine
Offered Online
University of Maine at Augusta
School of Nursing
Augusta, Maine
Offered Online
University of Maine at Fort Kent
Nursing Program
Fort Kent, Maine
Offered Online