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Looking for an affordable Online RN to MSN with a Family Nurse Practitioner track? Explore our rankings of the Cheapest RN to FNP Online Programs in the country. Find ACEN- and CCNE-accredited programs that are under $50,000. Learn whether you’re eligible to apply from out-of-state. And decide if you wish to earn a BSN along the way.
We updated our 2024 Cheapest Online RN to FNP rankings on January 15, 2024!
Cheapest RN to FNP Online Programs | 2024 Edition
#1 Franklin University
Overview | Online RN to MSN-FNP
- Location: Ohio
- Type: Private University
- Accreditation: CCNE
- Tuition: $28,662
- Pricing: Tuition Info
- BSN Included: No
- State Authorization: View
- Non-Nursing Bachelor’s Required: No
Program Summary
With Franklin’s convenient Online RN to MSN, you only have to take one 4-credit bridge course before you transition into the Online MSN-FNP. The entire program takes around 30 months to complete. Keep in mind that your last year will involve on-site clinicals for 1-2 days per week, depending on course requirements. Additional costs will include clinical course fees and the MSN background check and clinical/practicum screening fee.
Franklin’s Online MSN-FNP contains a number of interesting elements. There are practical courses that are designed to prepare you for independent environments (e.g., Foundations of Nurse Practitioner Practice) and one that’s completely devoted to FNP Certification Prep. You’ll also tackle a final, 4-credit FNP Capstone that includes a clinical.
#2 University of Phoenix
Overview | Online Nurse Bridge Program-MSN FNP
- Location: Arizona
- Type: For-Profit University
- Accreditation: CCNE
- Tuition: $29,070
- Pricing: Tuition Info
- BSN Included: No
- State Authorization: View
- Non-Nursing Bachelor’s Required: Yes
Program Summary
Do you already have a non-nursing bachelor’s degree? You can use UOPX’s Online Nurse Bridge Program to prepare yourself for the Online MSN FNP. The 9-credit bridge portion will involve 3 undergraduate courses; the MSN can be completed in approximately 30 months. Almost all of the coursework is online, with the exception of one 5-day, in-person residency.
UOPX is a for-profit university, so you’ll need to decide if you wish to have that on your résumé. Talk to your mentors before you make a decision. The Online MSN FNP covers the gamut of care, from pediatrics to geriatrics, and it includes a separate course in women’s health issues. In the 30-week Final Preceptorship, you’ll use precepted clinical experiences to prepare for independent (or semi-independent) practice.
#3 Wheeling University
Overview | Online RN to BSN/MSN-FNP
- Location: West Virginia
- Type: Private Roman Catholic University
- Accreditation: CCNE
- Tuition: $33,650
- Pricing: Tuition Info
- BSN Included: Yes
- State Authorization: View
- Non-Nursing Bachelor’s Required: No
Program Summary
Wheeling’s affordable Online RN to BSN/MSN program will help you earn a BSN before you tackle the Online MSN-FNP. Most of the work is online, but visits may be required for the undergraduate course in Assessment. Plus, there’s one on-campus presentation during the MSN. The entire program takes approximately 3 years to complete.
We give Wheeling credit for creating a sensible FNP curriculum. The Online MSN-FNP includes clinicals in multiple aspects of FNP care (e.g., children, adults, and reproductive health) and a unique Role Seminar. This seminar covers real-world topics such as certification, prescriptive authority, collaborative agreements, professional liability, and more.
#4 University of South Alabama
Overview | Online RN to MSN-FNP
- Location: Alabama
- Type: Public Research University
- Accreditation: CCNE
- Tuition: $33,858
- Pricing: Tuition Info
- BSN Included: No/Yes
- State Authorization: View
- Non-Nursing Bachelor’s Required: Yes/No
Program Summary
At USA, you have a choice! The cheapest option is the Online RN to MSN for nurses with a non-nursing bachelor’s degree (3 bridge courses). But the university also offers a more expensive Online RN to BSN/MSN. Both programs will lead you to the Online MSN FNP. The MSN includes 2 on-campus intensives that cover skills workshops, simulation labs, and clinical exams. You can study part-time or full-time, as long as you finish within 5 years.
USA offers a huge number of NP tracks, so you can expect the Online MSN FNP to go strong on practicums and certification preparation. This MSN also contains a course in Organizational & Systems Leadership that covers topics such as quality improvement & project planning, assessment of organizational culture, and more. Interested in multiple fields? Check out the dual specialty MSN programs in FNP/Emergency NP and FNP/AGACNP.
#5 Northern Arizona University
Overview | Online RN to MSN-FNP
- Location: Arizona
- Type: Public Research University
- Accreditation: CCNE
- Tuition: $34,723
- Pricing: Tuition Info
- BSN Included: No
- State Authorization: View
- Non-Nursing Bachelor’s Required: Yes
Program Summary
NAU’s Online RN to MSN is designed for RNs with a non-nursing bachelor’s degree. This pathway involves 2 undergraduate courses (8 credits in total) and a 48-credit Online MSN-FNP. You’ll have up to 6 years to complete the master’s degree. One key thing to note—all candidates must have an Arizona RN license or meet Arizona Board of Nursing regulations regarding multistate licensure in order to apply.
If you’re interested in rural nursing, take a close look at this Online MSN-FNP. Courses in Rural Theory & Health Policy and Advanced Roles Transition (for rural nurse leaders) are supported by the School of Nursing’s involvement with communities like the Navajo Nation (e.g., BSN American Indian program). All MSN students complete an Evidence-Based Practice Capstone.
#6 Rivier University
Overview | Online RN-MS-FNP
- Location: New Hampshire
- Type: Private Catholic University
- Accreditation: ACEN
- Tuition: $35,800
- Pricing: Tuition Info
- BSN Included: No
- State Authorization: View
- Non-Nursing Bachelor’s Required: Yes/No
Program Summary
At Rivier, you choose the pathway that suits your level of experience—the Online RN-MS-FNP is for associate degree in nursing holders; the Online MSN Bridge Option is for RNs with a non-nursing bachelor’s degree. Both programs involve 2 BSN-level courses in leadership & community nursing (6 credits) and coursework for the Online MSN-FNP. The entire program might take 3-5 years to complete.
Rivier’s Online MSN-FNP is a sturdy choice. First-time certification pass rates have been excellent in recent years, and the curriculum includes modern coursework (e.g. Biostatistics for the Health Sciences). You have a choice of three term starts and you’ll finish with a Research Capstone that’s supervised by a faculty member (e.g. scholarly paper). Just bear in mind that clinical courses will cost more than nursing courses.
#7 Ball State University
Overview | Online RN to MS-FNP
- Location: Indiana
- Type: Public Research University
- Accreditation: CCNE
- Tuition: $37,463
- Pricing: Tuition Info
- BSN Included: No
- State Authorization: View
- Non-Nursing Bachelor’s Required: Yes
Program Summary
BSU is happy to accept RNs with a non-nursing BA or BS into its Online MSN-FNP, but it doesn’t specify how many additional undergraduate credits you’ll be expected to complete. Contact the School of Nursing for more details—we’re estimating that you’ll need to complete at least a semester’s worth of BSN-level work. The master’s degree can be completed in ~6-8 semesters. All coursework is online.
BSU’s Online MSN-FNP is a solid pick. The School of Nursing has a strong track record in distance learning. The curriculum includes 690 clinical hours in FNP Primary Care and a solid chunk of coursework in technical subjects (e.g. Data Analysis in Nursing Research and Nursing Information Technology). We’ve given you the out-of-state price for our tuition estimate; Indiana residents pay even less!
#8 University of Alabama at Birmingham
Overview | Online RN to MSN (Second Degree)-FNP
- Location: Alabama
- Type: Public Research University
- Accreditation: CCNE
- Tuition: $38,192
- Pricing: Tuition Info
- BSN Included: No
- State Authorization: View
- Non-Nursing Bachelor’s Required: Yes
Program Summary
RNs with a non-nursing bachelor’s degree should take a look at UAB’s Online RN to MSN (Second Degree). You’ll only have to take 3 bridge courses before tackling the Online MSN-FNP. The master’s degree is designed to be finished in 6-7 semesters on a part-time schedule. Most of the coursework is online, but you will need to plan for on-campus intensives during the last 4 semesters of the program.
UAB is a big public school with an excellent nursing reputation—the Online MSN-FNP frequently features in the top 10 of U.S. News & World Report rankings. The curriculum contains the full range of clinicals, as well as an FNP residency and a 700-level course in Interprofessional Leadership and Role Development for Practice Excellence. Better yet, online tuition rates are the same for in-state and out-of-state students.
#9 The University of Texas at Arlington
Overview | Online RN to MSN-FNP
- Location: Texas
- Type: Public Research University
- Accreditation: CCNE
- Tuition: $38,308
- Pricing: Tuition Info
- BSN Included: Yes
- State Authorization: View
- Non-Nursing Bachelor’s Required: No
Program Summary
UTA’s Online RN to MSN-FNP is a relatively affordable way to earn both a BSN and an MSN—you’ll graduate with two degrees from the nation’s biggest public college of nursing. The 42-month program is 100% online and clinicals can be completed in your local area. You’ll tackle 9 BSN-level courses before proceeding to the MSN.
We particularly like the fact that UTA’s Online RN to MSN-FNP is so comprehensive. The BSN portion of the program includes coursework in holistic care, leadership & management, and a capstone. And the MSN portion is stacked with practical credits. In addition to standard FNP courses & clinical practicums, you’ll take part in both adult gerontology and pediatric assessment labs.
#10 Wilkes University
Overview | Online RN to MSN-FNP
- Location: Pennsylvania
- Type: Private University
- Accreditation: CCNE
- Tuition: $39,312
- Pricing: Tuition Info
- BSN Included: No
- State Authorization: View
- Non-Nursing Bachelor’s Required: No
Program Summary
If you have an associate degree in nursing—and you don’t need to earn a BSN—Wilkes’s Online RN to MSN might be right up your alley. You’ll only have to complete 3 bridge courses (11 credits, including 45 hours of clinical work) before you pursue the Online MSN-FNP. With the exception of clinicals & 2 residency visits, all coursework is online. The entire program can be dusted off in 36 months/3 years.
Wilkes’s Online MSN-FNP is pretty efficient. The first MSN year covers the “Three Ps” (e.g. Advanced Pharmacology), diagnostic reasoning, and a course that addresses health issues facing culturally diverse, rural and underserved populations. The second year is completely devoted to FNP coursework (e.g. clinicals, residencies, and seminars). You’ll hit the ground running!
#11 Loyola University New Orleans
Overview | Online Accelerated RN to MSN-FNP
- Location: Louisiana
- Type: Private Jesuit University
- Accreditation: CCNE
- Tuition: $39,510
- Pricing: Tuition Info
- BSN Included: No/Yes
- State Authorization: View
- Non-Nursing Bachelor’s Required: Yes/No
Program Summary
Aspiring FNP candidates with a non-nursing bachelor’s degree should take a look at LOYNO’s Online Accelerated RN to MSN. You only have to tackle 6 bridge credits before you hit the Online MSN-FNP. Bridge coursework might take 1 semester; the MSN can be completed in 6 full-time semesters or 8 part-time semesters.
LOYNO’s Online MSN-FNP covers every aspect of primary care—from pediatrics to gerontology—and it includes a couple of eminently practical courses (e.g. Informatics & Finance). You also have the option to add electives in statistics and scientific writing if you need to bump up those skill-sets.
#12 Nova Southeastern University
Overview | Online RN to MSN-FNP
- Location: Florida
- Type: Private Research University
- Accreditation: CCNE
- Tuition: $40,749
- Pricing: Tuition Info
- BSN Included: No
- State Authorization: View
- Non-Nursing Bachelor’s Required: Yes
Program Summary
NSU’s Online RN to MSN is a bridge program aimed at RNs with a non-nursing bachelor’s degree. You’ll be expected to take a 5000-level bridge course in the fall term (6 credits) before progressing to an Online MSN-FNP. The MSN can be completed in 8 semesters on a full-time schedule. Visits to the Palm Beach or Tampa Bay campus are required.
NSU’s Online MSN-FNP follows the standard template for FNP programs. You’ll be expected to complete clinical courses in pediatrics, adult health, and women’s health, as well as an FNP Capstone. This MSN also includes a course in Behavioral Health.
#13 University of St. Francis
Overview | Online RN-BS to MSN-FNP
- Location: Illinois
- Type: Private Catholic University (Franciscan)
- Accreditation: CCNE
- Tuition: $41,378
- Pricing: Tuition Info
- BSN Included: No
- State Authorization: View
- Non-Nursing Bachelor’s Required: Yes
Program Summary
USF’s Online RN-BS to MSN program is designed for RNs with a non-nursing bachelor’s degree. Qualified applicants will be expected to take 9 credits of bridge coursework (e.g. Nursing Research) before proceeding to the Online MSN-FNP. Coursework for the MSN is 100% online. You can begin in the fall or spring semesters.
USF takes a straightforward approach to the Online MSN-FNP. The graduate core examines areas such as Population Health and Biostatistics & Research; the advanced practice core covers the “Three Ps”; and the FNP practica courses include a final Clinical Residency. If you’re interested in teaching, you’re allowed to add optional education credits.
#14 Tennessee Technological University
Overview | Online RN to MSN-FNP
- Location: Tennessee
- Type: Public Research University
- Accreditation: CCNE
- Tuition: $43,950
- Pricing: Tuition Info
- BSN Included: No
- State Authorization: View
- Non-Nursing Bachelor’s Required: Yes
Program Summary
On a part-time schedule, RNs with a non-nursing bachelor’s degree can finish Tennessee Tech’s Online RN to MSN-FNP program in 8-9 semesters/2.5-3 years. On-site intensives may be required for courses like Advanced Health Assessment—check with the MSN program coordinator.
Tennessee Tech’s Online RN to MSN-FNP covers all the major bases of an FNP degree, with clinical coursework in adult, pediatric, and women’s health populations and a Final FNP Preceptorship. The program also contains a Role Transition to Certification & Practice course that will prepare you for independent (or semi-independent) NP practice.
#15 East Tennessee State University
Overview | Online RN to MSN-FNP
- Location: Tennessee
- Type: Public Research University
- Accreditation: CCNE
- Tuition: $44,957
- Pricing: Tuition Info
- BSN Included: No
- State Authorization: View
- Non-Nursing Bachelor’s Required: Yes
Program Summary
ETSU’s Online RN to MSN-FNP is open to RNs with a non-nursing BA/BS degree. You’ll be expected to take 4 undergraduate bridge courses (12 credits in total) before you tackle the 51-credit MSN. No BSN is awarded in this trajectory. Authorized states are listed at the bottom of the College of Nursing homepage.
On a full-time basis, the MSN takes 5 semesters to complete. Add the one semester of bridge credits and you’re looking at 6 semesters of full-time study. A part-time RN to MSN-FNP schedule might involve 9 semesters. It’s an intriguing program if you’re interested in rural health. The College oversees 7 nurse-managed health centers and it has a strong interest in Appalachian healthcare challenges.
#16 Allen College
Overview | Online RN to MSN-FNP
- Location: Iowa
- Type: Private Healthcare College
- Accreditation: CCNE
- Tuition: $46,212
- Pricing: Tuition Info
- BSN Included: No
- State Authorization: View
- Non-Nursing Bachelor’s Required: Yes
Program Summary
Allen’s Online RN to MSN pathway is open to RNs with a non-nursing bachelor’s degree and licensure from Iowa or a compact state. You’ll tackle 2 undergraduate bridge courses (6 credits) and statistics (if needed) before getting stuck into the Online MSN-FNP. The master’s degree might take 2 years on a full-time basis or 3-4 years on a part-time basis. FNP students must participate in a 3-day residency and occasional face-to-face meetings.
Take a look at Allen if you’re interested in rural healthcare & underserved populations—the College makes a point of focusing on these 2 key areas. It also leans hard on topics like evidence-based practice, informatics, and mental health. All MSN students participate in a Graduate Seminar and complete a Graduate Project.
#17 Grand Canyon University
Overview | Online Bridge (MSN-FNP)
- Location: Arizona
- Type: For-Profit Christian University
- Accreditation: CCNE
- Tuition: $46,585
- Pricing: Tuition Info
- BSN Included: No
- State Authorization: View
- Non-Nursing Bachelor’s Required: Yes
Program Summary
RNs with a non-nursing bachelor’s degree might want to consider GCU’s Online Bridge (MSN-FNP) program. Successful applicants take 24 undergraduate credits, including a Professional Capstone & Practicum, before diving into the Online MSN-FNP. The 53-credit MSN includes 2 on-campus experiences that cover health assessment & clinical training and certification exam preparation.
Talk to recent alumni before committing to GCU—it’s a for-profit university with a lot of conflicting MSN reviews. If you do end up choosing it for your FNP, you’ll complete 675 clinical hours and courses in standard FNP topics, including an Evidence-Based Practice Project.
#18 Herzing University
Overview | Online Accelerated RN to MSN-FNP
- Location: Wisconsin
- Type: Private University
- Accreditation: CCNE
- Tuition: $47,040
- Pricing: Tuition Info
- BSN Included: No/Yes
- State Authorization: View
- Non-Nursing Bachelor’s Required: No
Program Summary
At Herzing, you have 2 options. If you don’t need a BSN, you can choose the affordable Online Accelerated RN to MSN-FNP pathway. On a turbo-charged schedule, this 64-credit program with 5 bridge courses can be completed in 24 months. Or you can opt for the longer & more expensive Online RN to BSN to MSN-FNP program. This might take 32 months.
Up until 2015, Herzing was a for-profit university, so we recommend you chat to mentors before making a decision. The Online MSN-FNP doesn’t have as many clinical hours as some other programs, but it certainly meets FNP certification requirements. You’ll complete 630 clinical hours with 500 total patient encounters.
#19 South University
Overview | Online RN to MSN-FNP
- Location: Georgia
- Type: Private University
- Accreditation: CCNE
- Tuition: $47,074
- Pricing: Tuition Info
- BSN Included: Yes/No
- State Authorization: View
- Non-Nursing Bachelor’s Required: No
Program Summary
South’s Online RN to MSN-FNP program includes at least 36 undergraduate-level credits and 62 MSN-level credits. Earning a BSN along the way is possible—confer with the Academic Counselor or Program Director to learn more.
Up until 2018, South was a for-profit university with a troubled history. So talk to recent alumni before you make a decision. Having said that, the CCNE-accredited MSN meets FNP certification requirements. You’ll tackle clinicals in all key areas (e.g. pediatrics, women’s health, family health, adult & gerontology) and complete a Graduate Project in Nursing.
#20 West Coast University
Overview | Online RN to MSN FNP
- Location: California
- Type: For-Profit University
- Accreditation: CCNE
- Tuition: $47,770
- Pricing: Tuition Info
- BSN Included: No
- State Authorization: View
- Non-Nursing Bachelor’s Required: No
Program Summary
WCU’s Online RN to MSN FNP is a streamlined, 4-year program with online coursework and two on-site intensives (2-3 days each). Admissions are year-round. WCU is a for-profit university, so take a moment to look at reviews and chat with recent alumni before you commit.
The curriculum covers required upper undergraduate credits in the first year (e.g. Public Health Nursing); the remaining years are devoted to MSN-level coursework and FNP practicums. You’ll finish up with an Advanced Health Care Residency.
Cheapest Rankings Methodology
Our 2024 rankings of the most affordable Online RN to MSN-FNP programs in the USA only include degrees that are less than $50,000 in total tuition. Here’s how we crunched the numbers.
- Tuition Quote: Cost calculations are based on the online tuition rate. If a school had different in-state and out-of-state rates, we used the out-of-state rate. We also took into account variations in pricing. Graduate credits are usually more expensive than undergraduate credits. FNP programs will often be charged at a higher rate than MSN programs in indirect care (e.g. Nursing Leadership). And FNP clinical courses may cost more than non-clinical courses. We considered it all.
- Additional Fees: However, we didn’t include per semester fees or one-off fees (e.g. graduation fee) in our price quote. So you’ll need to factor those into your budget. Keep in mind that per semester fees will vary depending on whether you choose a short, full-time plan of study or a longer, part-time plan of study. There may also be fees for specific FNP courses.
- Campus Intensives: The MSN portion of an Online FNP program will typically contain mandatory campus visits (e.g. short weekend intensives). You’ll often see intensives cropping up in courses like Advanced Health Assessment. Ask the program coordinator for details on what’s required—you’ll need to budget for time away from work and travel expenses.
There wasn’t a great deal of movement in our rankings from last year. Franklin University remains at the #1 spot. And few schools swapped places due to slight price decreases and increases. But we would like to highlight the 2024 newcomer. Appearing at #15, East Tennessee State University is an excellent choice for RNs interested in rural primary care.
Note: If you’d like even more choice, have a look at our Directory of RN to MSN FNP Programs. It lists on-site, hybrid, and online FNP programs in every state. Plus there’s an FNP guide with details on certification requirements, job & salary resources, and more.
How to Use Our Program Rankings
To get our Cheapest RN to FNP rankings down to a manageable shortlist, skim through the bullet points and decision sections within each school profile.
- BSN Included (or Not): You don’t need a BSN in order to qualify for national FNP certification & state licensure. But you may want one for employment purposes. Remember, too, that some schools will allow you to exit with a BSN if you’d like to postpone your MSN or you change your mind about an APRN specialty.
- State Authorization: Follow the link in the profiles and check with your State Board of Nursing before you commit to any Online RN to MSN in Family Nurse Practitioner. You need to be sure that: a) the school offers the online degree in your area; and b) your State Board will accept your out-of-state degree for licensure.
- Associate Degree or Diploma vs. Non-Nursing Bachelor’s Degree: Check to see if you have the right degree to apply. Some RN to MSN programs are aimed at associate degree or diploma holders; some are only open to RNs with a non-nursing baccalaureate (e.g. BA or BS). A few schools offer options for both types of candidates.
- MSN FNP Curriculum: Because of national certification requirements, Online MSN FNP programs have the same core curriculum. You won’t find much variation in the mandatory coursework and clinical practicums! But there will still be choice. We’ve highlighted unusual FNP topics (e.g. rural nursing) or intriguing MSN projects in the profiles. The university catalog will also contain descriptions of each course.
- Type of University: All schools in our rankings are regionally accredited and CCNE- or ACEN-accredited. But not all of them are non-profit. If you’re considering a for-profit university, do your homework. Talk to recent alumni, read reviews, and consult with your mentors. Accredited for-profits will prepare you for FNP certification exams, but they don’t always look great on a résumé.
Note: Searching for extra ways to save money? Check out our guide on How to Pay for Nursing School and the advice section within the Cheapest Online RN to MSN Programs. We have tips on scholarships, tuition discounts, loan forgiveness programs, and more.